Lost or Stolen Packages

We understand how frustrating it is to experience a missing package. If your order has been lost in transit, rest assured that we're here to assist you and will work quickly to resolve the issue.

Check the Delivery Status

Before taking any further steps, please check the tracking information provided in your shipping confirmation email. Sometimes, packages marked as “delivered” might arrive a few hours or even a day later.

Responsibility After Delivery

Once the courier marks your package as delivered, it becomes your responsibility. We are not liable for packages potentially stolen from your delivery location after they have been confirmed as delivered. We recommend checking with neighbours, building management, or any other safe places where the package could have been left.

Next Steps

If you believe your package was stolen, we suggest reporting the theft to your local authorities. If you need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll do our best to help guide you through the next steps.

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